Moving Objects Without Touching Them
I got an interesting email from someone the other day and he sent me the link at the bottom of the page of a Qigong master moving objects and doing other chi manipulation techniques.
One of the questions this person asked is “Why don’t you have videos of you or your students moving objects to show that the chi works……
That is a credible question, and one that I had early on in my training as well….I wanted to see proof that this actually could be done…As a matter of fact, I searched as many places I could to find out if this was in fact real or not….
Of course, this was before the Internet, so I had to go about this the old fashioned way of libraries, old bookstores, calling people up that I hear “might know how to do it” and any other feasible method…..
I also traveled and met with some that could and some that couldn’t….In other words, I put in the time and effort to find out if the skills were real…When Sifu Jones (My instructor) told me that once I build my chi up, I could actually bring people around that would reveal certain things to me if I wanted…..
That sounded strange at the time……
Well, what I found to be true, is that once you develop your chi to a certain level, you can arrange to have the right people show up in your life to assist in your development….
This gets back to the question of showing skills….We call them “Parlor Tricks”….Even though our Ads talk about being able to do these things, we are very careful with who we show certain skills to…And believe me, we have videos of students of ours doing all of the techniques we talk about such as moving objects without touching them, select breaking, putting a candle out with the eyes, and other interesting chi manipulation techniques….
We value our students privacy, so even though we have these demonstrations, we leave it up to the student to whom they will confide in and show the skill….
Years ago, I really wanted to see someone move something of significance, so I would believe more in what I was doing, even though I had already put out a candle with my eyes and moved smaller objects, I still wanted to see this “Chi” in action….
Well, I was at a large Technology Trade Show several years ago, and I met a man that was acting as a “Pitch Man” for lack of a better word, for a high technology company. I could tell from the energy he put off that he must have some kind of skill, and in my mind I thought, “This might be one of those guys, I was told about”….
So I meditated about meeting him the next day and finding out if he could do what I thought he could do. I went early to the show the next day and found him and started to speak to him about his skills and training…..He had mentioned that he meditated every day and that he had trained overseas for several years….
I asked him, “If he could move objects without touching them”. He replied “Why would you ask something like that”? I told him, I just felt his energy and thought that he might be able to do it….
He said that he could do it, so I took the pen out of my pocket and handed it to him. The pen was a metal pen. He put it on the carpeted floor and began to move my pen around. I was totally psyched. No preparation, just took it out of my pocket, put it on the ground and he was able to move it……
I got to tell you, I was amped up to the max! I was so excited, I just knew my training was not in vain and that there were others that could do the things I had seen my instructor do…..It was one of those things that open your mind more than you can ever imagine….
Now, that is not the end of the story…….
I was so excited, that I needed to tell someone….Later at dinner with one of my colleagues, I told him about my encounter with the guy that moved my pen and he basically chastised me for believing that someone could do that….
He said to me…”Al, you must be pretty stupid to believe that this guy moved your pen without touching it. He probably had a string coming out of his shirt or something. I always thought you were a smart guy, but to believe someone could do that is ridiculous”!
So, I said to my colleague. “ I was just kidding, messing with you to see if you believe me about something so bizarre….I almost had you didn’t I”?
He said, “I knew you were messing with me. Nobody can move objects without touching them”…..
My point is that even if you could do some of the skills we are talking about, it is not always in your best interest to show the skills. This was early on in my training and I learned that I would not be showing my skills to anyone, unless they have skills and can appreciate what I am showing…..
By the way, that is not the end of the story……When I got back home from the trade show, I called a fellow martial artist friend of mine that did some Internal Training (but not our style, he was Hsing I, Bagua, Tai Chi) and told him about the man I had met and how he had moved my pen without touching it……
Well, he is a skeptic too, so I actually told him the name of the man that moved my pen (by the way, this man has written books, been on TV, radio, etc, so he had a reputation and he is not known as a chi manipulator but a high energy public speaker)….
So my martial arts buddy, finds out the guys office number and finally gets a hold of him by phone and asks him…..”Hey, my friend Al said you met him in New York, and made objects move in front of him without touching them, is that true”?
The guy said to my friend….”I don’t know what your talking about, don’t you know it is impossible to move objects without touching them?”
The moral of the story, is that if someone teaches or shows you something unique, you should embrace it and cherish it for what it is, and not try and expose or bring light on that person unless they really want the exposure……
These are just a few of the many reasons why we are not really excited about showing the ability to move objects without touching them, because most can’t handle it and will ultimately bring problems your way….
Our policy is this: Buy our products, become a member of our training group and we will be glad to provide the information that will allow you to do these types of things and many others in the future……
You can achieve any level, if you are willing to train hard, believe, and have faith that the techniques, methods and concepts we teach will work for you…..
Now, enjoy the video below…..